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| понедельник, 12 октября 2009
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It's time America confront one of the biggest moral conundrums of modern television today: the wild popularity of the CBS crime series NCIS. This show is misleading, derogatory, anti-American, counterproductive and sets a bad example for our youth. The plot is confusing and lazy, its actors two-dimensional charlatans. It is the liberal media's attempt to use the coveted national network "Prime Time" airwaves to promote leftwing propaganda under the guise of "drama." In essence, NCIS presents a relentless attack on the integrity of our men and women in the armed forces. Watching it, you'd believe our Navy is staffed by murderers, embezzlers, spies and rapists. This is all the more astonishing when you consider that the NCIS show infects tens of millions of Americans each and every week with its subliminal anti-Military bias, ultimately discouraging our young men from enlisting to protect this country from global terror.дальше круче )))))))))))
* Timothy McGee: The dorky author. Surely he is the alter ego of the show's very own writers. Why else would they make him out to be an intelligent and strong lothario who earns millions from his typing skills when in actuality he looks like he should be stacking Hostess Cakes in a blue apron at Wal-Mart? It's called fantasy projection.
* Ziva & Kate: These two bellicose women, always ready with a waistband handgun, are not physically enticing. Their aggressive lack of prettiness and their overbearing superiority complexes are huge turnoffs. Is this the sort of girl a man needs beside him? I think not.
* Anthony DiNozzo: Overcompensating for his homosexuality by being a lecherous young man. What an example he sets for today's youth! No one would ever let this oaf be a police agent in real life.
* Abby: That goth computer geek woman. Why is she here? Is she meant to be alluring to video gamers, aging lesbians or awkward teen boys? Or all three? I don't understand the appeal. The talking car KITT from the popular show Knight Rider would work just as well and would probably cost thousands less in S&M wardrobe expenses. Anyone have David Hasselhoff's cell number?
* Ducky: An overeducated Brit doctor making a meager living as a US military morgue rat? How much more implausible can you get! community.livejournal.com/navy_ncis/531760.html